Create your Workspace on Permate

Workspaces on Permate help you split up your work into different areas. With the Multi-User feature, you can work with others and control what they see. 

You can create complex plans for managing campaigns, sort your stuff, share tasks with others, and adjust as needed on Workspaces.

1. Benefits of Using Workspaces on Permate #
  • Flexibility: You can easily change things around. If priorities shift, just move people to different areas without disrupting your work. If someone’s role changes, you can give them more access to data.
  • Collaboration: Instead of switching between accounts, you can invite colleagues to join your account and work together in specific areas.
  • Scalability: You can expand your projects smoothly. Make new areas for different parts of your work and assign team members accordingly.
  • Focus: Keep your team focused by organizing their tasks into separate areas, so they don’t get distracted.
  • Efficiency: Speed up your work by letting different groups manage different parts of your project. They can work at the same time without getting in each other’s way
2. Create your workspace on Permate #

Step 1: Access the Collab menu on the right corner of the screen and select +Workspace

Step 2: Enter the following mandatory information:

  • Workspace name.
  • Offer Status

⚠️Note: Active is the state in which the Workspace is still in working mode, which means element in the Workspace such as Landers, Campaigns, and Traffic Sources are in an active state.

Step 3: Partners can choose Workers and Offers you want to work in this Workspace. See more: How to add Workers to Permate’s Workspace.

⚠️Note: Workers and Offers is Optional info, meaning you can add them later.

Step 4: Select Save after completing all the above information.

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