Worker: Overview and how to create worker on Permate

1. Who is a worker? #

Workers are employees or collaborators working in the same organization as the Partner. They are responsible for operating with you and supporting you in executing campaigns/offers on Permate.

A campaign/offer can have a large workload, so sometimes you need to split that workload into smaller parts in separate Permate Workspaces. A campaign/offer will require many workers to work together.

Permate’s working interface helps you divide assignments, control and manage workers’ activities scope in a fixed workspace. Thereby helping you and your organization complete the campaign/offer faster and successfully.

2. Types of Members on Permate #

Combined with the “Multi-user” feature on Permate, Partners can collaborate and divide work across different workspaces depending on the members’ positions:

  • The account owner: is the owner of the Partner account and has all permissions to all information about the campaign/offer or organization on Permate. Account owners can delete, add, or change members and Workspaces in Permate.
  • Workers: Workers are users assigned to one or more Workspaces on Permate by the Account Owner. And they have only access to the Tracker feature.

3. How to create worker on Permate #

After creating your individual Workspace(s) on Permate, you can easily add one or more workers to their respective Workspaces:

Step 1: Access the Collab menu on the right corner of the screen

Step 2: Select the Worker tab

Step 3: Select +Worker.

Step 4: Enter the worker’s email you want to add.

Step 5: Select the Workspace from the list of Workspaces you created that you want to add them to.

Step 6: Select Save after completing all the above information.

You can edit if necessary by selecting the worker’s email and:

  • Remove that worker from the specified Workspace.
  • Move or add them to another Workspace.

⚠️ Note: Workers you delete to your Workspace will receive a related notification via their emails.

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